
Northgate is located directly to the north of Crawley town centre.  The area gets its name from the North Toll Gate from the London to Brighton road.

The neighbourhood is well located within walking distance of both the town centre and the Manor Royal Business District. 


Find out who your Northgate ward councillors are.

Groups and events

Have a look in the Community Directory to find groups and clubs located in Northgate. Find out what events are coming up in Northgate.

Facts and figures

As of the Census 2011 there are:

  • 2259 households in Northgate
  • 5298 people living in Northgate

Northgate Matters (Giving Residents a Voice)

Northgate Matters is a community group made up of local residents. The group aims to help address issues and concerns in the community.

For more information email on 01293 438565.

Community development

If you are looking for community support via the Community Development team contact Vikki Fold on 01293 438565.

Community Facilities
  • Playing fields – located at Woodfield Road, facilities include football and cricket pitches.
  • Play areas - Woodfield Road and Kilnmead Close
Places of worship

St Paul’s Methodist Church, Woodfield Road – Tel:01293 532955