Gossops Green
Gossops Green is located in the west of Crawley. The neighbourhood was mainly built between 1958 and 1961.
Open space in Gossops Green includes Woldhurstlea Wood and Bewbush Water Gardens.
Find out who your Gossops Green ward councillors are.
Groups and events
Have a look in the Community Directory to find groups and clubs located in Gossops Green. Find out what events are coming up in Gossops Green.
Gossops Community Forum
This group is run by residents and looks to develop community spirit within the neighbourhood, addressing issues and concerns surrounding the Gossops Green community.
If you would like to get involved or want to know more about the group email or visit their Facebook page.
Facts and figures
As of the Census 2011 there are:
- 2128 households in Gossops Green
- 5252 people living in Gossops Green
Community development
If you are looking for community support via the Community Development team contact Adam Wicking on 01293 438655.
Community Facilities
- Gossops Green Shopping Parade – find local shops
- Gossops Green Medical Centre, Hurst Close
- Gossops Green Community Primary School, Kidborough Road
- Dormans Youth Arts Centre, Dormans
- Holy Trinity Church of England Secondary School, Buckswood Drive
- Gossops Green Community Centre, Capel Lane
- Recycling points
- Children’s play areas – located at Dormans and at Kidborough Road
- Playing fields – located at Dormans, facilities include a football pitch and children’s play area
Places of worship
- Crawley-Gatwick Church of Christ, Dormans Arts Centre
- St Albans Church of England, Gossops Drive
- St Theodore Roman Catholic Church, Gossops Green Lane