Sunnymead Conservation Area is located on the edge of the residential neighbourhood of West Green, immediately west of the Town Centre and the High Street Relief Road (Pegler Way).
The area was designated in recognition of the three-storey ‘Y’ shaped concrete flats, rendered and coloured pink and buff. These were designed by Crawley Development Corporation in the 1950’s in a Festival of Britain style and were originally built for the workers who were involved in the construction of the New Town. Conservation area status was designated in 1997, and the area was extended in 2004 to include the three flatted blocks of similar style that adjoin the conservation area to the north.
The conservation area statement provides a character appraisal for the area and guidance that should be followed when any development takes place.
Conservation Area Advisory Committee (CAAC)
Central Crawley CAAC provides comments on planning applications that are submitted within Dyers Almshouses Conservation Area, High Street Conservation Area, St Peters Conservation Area, and the Sunnymead Flats Conservation Area.