Tenant satisfaction measures survey

Each year we will be carrying out a tenant satisfaction measures survey. The survey is a general satisfaction survey asking tenants what they think about their home and the housing services we provide, as well as collecting information for the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).

What is the survey about?

These surveys are like other surveys carried out in the past and are based on standard questions provided by the RSH and used by other landlords. The survey includes questions, where the answer will provide data that we need to give to the RSH.

Our latest survey closed on 10 March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who completed one.

2024 survey

The 2024 survey was carried out by Acuity Research and Practice (Acuity) on our behalf.  

Tenants were invited to take part if they had not taken part in a survey in the last 12 months. 

Leaseholders and shared owners were also invited to take part as we wanted to know what they think about our services.

A variety of methods were used to survey tenants, these included by post, online and by telephone.

The responses are strictly confidential and could be given to Crawley Homes anonymously.  


We expect the results to be available in April 2024. More information will be provided here when they are available.

More information

If you have any queries about the survey or would like to be notified when the results are available, please email Crawley Homes at TSM@crawley.gov.uk.