Grass verges
Grass verges and roundabouts are litter picked, cut and strimmed during the growing season (March-November). Exact timings depend on weather conditions. Grass maintenance is the responsibility of Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council.
Grass verge parking
It is an offence to park on a verge that has a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in place with relevant restrictions e.g. double or single yellow lines. Without a TRO, the council is unable to take enforcement action against vehicles.
When reporting verge parking include details of the location and times the parking took place.
If a vehicle is causing an obstruction or is parked dangerously, the police are able to take enforcement action. To report dangerous parking, call 101 or email Sussex Police.
Damage to verges
The majority of grass verges in Crawley are owned by West Sussex County Council, which is the Highway Authority.
Grass verges questions
Cutting is carried out to a schedule and consequently there are periods where the grass will grow quicker between cuts, especially during the most active months of April, May, June and September.
Grass cuttings are not removed as it would be time consuming and expensive. It would require additional resources at a cost to residents. Grass is biodegradable and disappears after a short period.
We don’t recycle grass cuttings because we would have to stock pile contaminated cuttings which gives off methane, a greenhouse gas.
Yes, the mower and strimmer operators are equipped with portable blowers and they clear the paths after cutting. In wet conditions, grass cuttings stick to paths and roads, making it hard to clear and untidy.
Grass cutting is a large scale operation and therefore cannot only be cut in perfect conditions. Cutting is however suspended during persistent wet weather conditions in order to protect operator safety, prevent damage to verges and to avoid creating an eyesore.
Parking on the verges can damage them, particularly in wet weather. It can also cause safety and visibility problems.
We cut down bulb areas from June, otherwise they can lose their nutrients and natural energy. The following year’s flower displays can be effected if bulbs are cut back too soon.
Some banks are cut less often to encourage wildlife and biodiversity. It’s also a cost issue. We now use a remote control mower on steep banks because it’s safer for the operators.
During the winter we reduce brambles however in some places they act as a natural defence and discourage intruders so we leave them.
We take on several different tasks including:
- Tree lifting
- Leaf clearing
- Detritus removal
- Verge repairs
- Snow clearing
- Litter picking
- Training
Removing dandelions would be very time consuming and costly. They have extensive root systems so hand-pulling or hoeing to remove is usually futile unless done repeatedly over a long period of time.
Dandelion seed can be windborne for several miles so preventing new infestations is very difficult.
Read more about dandelion management.