Abandoned shopping trolleys

Why are abandoned shopping trolleys an issue?

Abandoned trolleys can cause significant environmental issues as well as being a hazard for pedestrians, motorists and wildlife. They can also pollute waterways and obstruct the flow of water.

What can I do to help?

To help reduce the number of abandoned shopping trolleys you can do the following: 

  • If you use a trolley to transport your shopping home, after use take back to the store.
  • Once you have used the shopping trolley, leave it in a sensible location such as a trolley bay in a supermarket or store car park, ready for collection by the store. 
  • If you notice a shopping trolley abandoned please report it to the supermarket directly, or to Trolleywise.

How can I report an abandoned trolley?


Trolleywise are a professional trolley retrieval service who have been appointed to pick up trolleys in Crawley on behalf of the following retailers: 

  • B&Q
  • Home Bargains
  • Iceland
  • Lidl
  • Sainsburys 
  • Tesco

To report an abandoned trolley from one of these retailers you can email Trolleywise directly stating the location of the trolley and postcode if you have this.

If an abandoned trolley is not from one of the Trolleywise stores above report it to the store directly: 

  • ASDA: 01293 663400
  • B&M Home Store: 01293 525366
  • Co-op: 01293 552624
  • Homebase: 03456 407087
  • Matalan: 0845 3303330