Local Plan publication additional consultation 2021
A formal publication consultation (Regulation 19) was carried out between 6 January and 30 June 2021. The key documents below were made available during the consultation.
In total, 39 individuals and 45 business and organisations submitted formal representations to the Local Plan consultation.
Key documents
- REP 004 (REP 116) (2021) Danescroft Neame Sutton Policy H1 H2 CL4 EP4 SA Noise Annex.pdf
- REP 006 (2021) West Sussex County Council Property and Assets Policy GI3, CL6, H2.pdf
- REP 010 (REP 130) (2021) Home Builders Federation Policy DD2 H5 GI3 ST2.pdf
- REP 011 (2021) Highways England Policy ST1.pdf
- REP 016 (2021) Resident 7 Policy ST4.pdf
- REP 022 (2021) Sussex Ornithological Society Policy H1, H2, H3g, GI3, ST4.pdf
- REP 023 (2021) St Catherines Hospice, Savills Policy CL4, H2.pdf
- REP 024 (2021) Bucknall Family Tony Fullwood Associates Policy H2.pdf
- REP 025 (2021) Resident 10 Policy DD1, DD4.pdf
- REP 027 (2021) WT Lamb Properties Staminier Group Ellion Metals.the Simmonds Family LRM Planning Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 027 (2021) WT Lamb Properties Staminier Group Elliot Metals.the Simmonds Family LRM Planning Policy EC1.pdf
- REP 027 (2021) WT Lamb Properties Staminier Group Elliot Metals.the Simmonds Family LRM Planning Vision.pdf
- REP 030 (2021) Resident 11 Noise Annex.pdf
- REP 031 (2021) Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign Policy GAT1.pdf
- REP 032 (2021) West Sussex County Council Policy ST4, GAT2, Transport Modelling, OS3, IN1, Local Plan Map.pdf
- REP 033 (2021) Horsham District Council Policy DD1, EC1, TC3, 12.17-12.23, H1, H2, H3a,b,c,d,f, ST4_Redacted.pdf
- REP 035 (2021) Windsor Developments Ardmore Ltd Vail Williams - Attachment 2. Jersey Farm - Master Plan.pdf
- REP 035 (2021) Windsor Developments Ardmore Ltd Vail Williams EC4, GAT2, ST4, CL8 June 21.pdf
- REP 035 (2021) Windsor Developments Ardmore Ltd Vail Williams EC4, GAT2, ST4, CL8 March 21.pdf
- REP 035 (2021) Windsor Developments Ardmore Ltd Vail Williams LLP Attachment File 1 June 21.pdf
- REP 035 (2021) Windsor Developments Ardmore Ltd Vail Williams Transport Nov 21.pdf
- REP 035 (2021) Windsor Developments Ardmore Ltd Vail Williams Transport Tech Note Nov 21.pdf
- REP 041 (2021) Ifield Village Conservation Area Advisory Com Policy CL8 HA1,8, 12.17,12.23 GAT2 GI1 GI2 GI3 GI4 ST4.pdf
- REP 044 (2021) HX Properties Ltd Tim North Associates Policy EC7, GAT3, SA.SEA.pdf
- REP 044 (2021) HX Properties Ltd Tim North Associates Policy GAT2.pdf
- REP 046 (2021) Aggregate Industries Brett Aggregates Ltd CEMEX Day Group First Plan Policy EC1 EC2 EC3 H2 EP4.pdf
- REP 050 (2021) Homes England Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 050 (2021) Homes England Policy SD3 GAT2 CL8 H1 GI3 GI4 IN2 EP4 ST3 ST4 West of Ifield.pdf
- REP 050 (2021) Homes England Policy SD3, GAT2 Rowley Farm.pdf
- REP 053 (2021) Barker Land Trust Aberdeen Investments Quod Policy EC1 EC4 GAT2 ST4.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Employment Land Trajectory.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Local Plan Map.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Local Plan Vision.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Planning Obligations Annex.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy CL7.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy EC1.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy EC2.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy EC5.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy EP1.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy GAT2.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy GI1.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy GI2.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy GI3.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy HA1.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy HA5.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy IN1.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills Policy ST1.pdf
- REP 055 (2021) The Wilky Group Savills SEA.pdf
- REP 056 (2021) Gatwick Airport Policy GAT1,2,3,4 EC1,2,4,7 DD5,7 IN1,2 EP4 H3d H8 ST1,3,4.pdf
- REP 058 (2021) Reigate and Banstead Borough Council Policy EC4 Transport Modelling DtC HRA SA.SEA.pdf
- REP 063 (2021) Persimmon Homes Pegasus Group Policy H1 H2 SD2 EP4.pdf
- REP 066 (2021) Mid Sussex District Council Policy EC4 CL3 CL4 CL8 H3d HRA.pdf
- REP 068 (2021) Sussex Wildlife Trust Policy SD2 SD3 CL6 DD1 DD7 GAT1 GAT2 H3g GI2 GI3 EP6 ST4.pdf
- REP 070 (2021) Resident 16.pdf
- REP 071 (2021) Resident 17 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 072 (2021) Resident 18 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 073 (2021) Resident 19 Policy GAT2.pdf
- REP 074 (2021) Resident 20 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 075 (2021) Resident 21 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 076 (2021) Resident 22 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 077 (2021) CAGNE Policy GAT1.pdf
- REP 078 (2021) Resident 23 Policy H2 Broad Locations.pdf
- REP 079 (2021) Fernhill Riding School Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 080 (2021) Resident CMA Planning Ltd Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 081 (2021) Resident 24 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 082 (2021) Resident 25 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 083 (2021) Resident 26 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 084 (2021) Resident 27 Policy H2 Street Hill.Balcombe Road, Worth.pdf
- REP 085 (2021) Resident 28 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 086 (2021) Resident 29 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 087 (2021) Woodland Trust Policy SD1 DD1 DD4 GI1 GI2 GI3 OS2 GAT2 GAT3 H2 ST4.pdf
- REP 088 (2021) Resident 30 Policy IN1 EC4.pdf
- REP 089 (2021) Resident 31 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 090 (2021) Radford Road Community Ltd Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 091 (2021) COIF Nominees Ltd Brunel Planning Policy ST4 EC2 EC3 CL8 GAT2.pdf
- REP 093 (2021) Burstow Hall TS Leisure & Property Policy EC4, H2.pdf
- REP 094 (2021) Resident 32 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 096 (2021) Landlady 1 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 097 (2021) Resident 33 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 098 (2021) Resident 34 Policy EC4 June 21.pdf
- REP 099 (2021) Resident 35 Policy H2 Henty Close.pdf
- REP 100 (2021) Resident 36 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 101 (2021) Horley Town Council Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 102 (2021) Resident 37 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 103 (2021) Southern Gas Networks Policy H1, H2.pdf
- REP 104 (2021) Resident 38 Policy H2 Henty Close.pdf
- REP 105 (2021) Resident 39 Policy IN1 TC1.pdf
- REP 106 (2021) Crawley Town Centre BID Policy EC8,9,10,11 TC1,2,3,4,5 H3c,d, CL4, ST3.pdf
- REP 107 (2021) Resident 40 Policy H2 Henty Close.pdf
- REP 108 (2021) Resident 41 Policy H2 Henty Close.pdf
- REP 109 (2021) Resident 42 Policy H2 Henty Close.pdf
- REP 110 (2021) Resident 43 Policy H2 Henty Close.pdf
- REP 111 (2021) Resident 44 Policy GAT2.pdf
- REP 112 (2021) Resident 45 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 113 (2021) Natural England Policy SD1 OS3 DD1 GAT1 GI1 GI2 GI3 SDC3 H2 HRA SA.SEA.pdf
- REP 114 (2021) Resident 46 West of Ifield.pdf
- REP 115 (2021) Resident 47 Policy H2 Henty Close.pdf
- REP 117 (2021) Resident 48 Policy H2 Rushetts Road.pdf
- REP 118 (2021) Resident 49 Policy H1.pdf
- REP 119 (2021) A2 Dominion Turley Policy H1.pdf
- REP 120 (2021) Resident Squires Planning Policy EC4 LDS SA HRA SCI DtC.pdf
- REP 121 (2021) Waverley Council Policy H1.pdf
- REP 122 (2021) Inspired Villages Policy H2 DD2.pdf
- REP 123 (2021) The Sogno Family Trust Barton Willmore Policy H1 H2 DtC.pdf
- REP 124 (2021) Gladman Developments Policy DD2 H1 H7 Viability.pdf
- REP 125 (2021) Vectos JLL Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 127 (2021) Arora Group Policy GAT2.pdf
- REP 128 (2021) Resident 50 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 129 (2021) Aldi Stores Ltd Planning Potential Policy EC2 TC3.pdf
- REP 131 (2021) Oxford Match SMB Town Planning Limited Attachment File 1 Written Reply.pdf
- REP 131 (2021) Oxford Match SMB Town Planning Limited Policy EC1 EC2 TC1.TC5 H2, H3c H5.pdf
- REP 132 (2021) Aberdeen Standard Investments Quod Policy EC2 TC1 TC2 H3 CL7 DD1 DD2.pdf
- REP 133 (2021) The Planning Bureau Ltd Policy DD1 DD3 DD4 GI3 ST2 H3 H5 SDC1.pdf
- REP 134 (2021) Rusper Parish Council Policy H1.pdf
- REP 135 (2021) Resident 52 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 163 (2021) Chichester College Vail Williams A1.pdf
- REP 163 (2021) Chichester College Vail Williams A2.pdf
- REP 163 (2021) Chichester College Vail Williams A3.pdf
- REP 163 (2021) Chichester College Vail Williams A4a.pdf
- REP 163 (2021) Chichester College Vail Williams A4b.pdf
- REP 163 (2021) Chichester College Vail Williams CBC Response Local Listing.pdf
- REP 163 (2021) Chichester College Vail Williams Heritage Review Letter.pdf
- REP 163 (2021) Chichester College Vail Williams Policy TC3 TC5 H2 H3c.pdf