Published: 01 October 2023
From: Democracy
We have a duty to divide the borough into polling districts and to designate suitable polling places within each district. The Electoral Administration Act 2013 introduced a requirement to review these arrangements every five years. The last full review was in 2019.
This review is designed to see if the polling districts and polling stations in Crawley are arranged to suit the needs of voters and covers the following:
- the polling district boundaries within each ward in Crawley
- the location of the polling station in each polling district
- access to each polling station
- buildings that might be considered for use as polling stations
See details of our current polling stations and polling districts:
All local authorities must hold a full Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations Review between 1 October 2023 and 31 January 2025. Our Governance Committee approved that Crawley’s consultation will take place from Monday 2 October until Sunday 5 November 2023.
If you would like to make a suggestion on these or any other polling matters, please email or write to Electoral Services, Crawley Borough Council, Town Hall, The Boulevard, Crawley RH10 1UZ by 5 November 2023.