National taxi register

The National Register of Refusals, Revocations and Suspensions (NR3S) allows us to record details of where a private hire vehicle or hackney carriage licence has been refused, revoked or suspended. It also allows us to check new applicants against the register.

Why is a register needed?

This register benefits both passengers and responsible private hire vehicle and hackney carriage drivers as it helps tackle the issue of drivers making applications to different licensing authorities following a refusal, revocation or suspension. 

All licensing authorities in England are required to:

  • add details of any refusal to issue or renew a private hire vehicle or hackney carriage drivers licence application, relating to safeguarding or road safety concerns, to the NR3S register 
  • record details of any revocation or suspension of a private hire vehicle or hackney carriage drivers licence, relating to safeguarding or road safety concerns, on the NR3S register
  • search the NR3S register before issuing or renewing private hire vehicle or hackney carriage drivers licences

We, alongside other licensing authorities, will also be adding historic information on refusals, revocations and suspensions of licences to the register. Historic data will not be added if 11 years have elapsed since the date of the decision. The initiative therefore provides a mechanism for ensuring information about refusals and revocations can be shared between all licensing authorities in a safe and secure way.

What information will be recorded and shared?

If we revoke an existing licence or refuse a new or renewal application, we will automatically record this on the national register. This council and others will also be adding historic information to the register, therefore any relevant data that relates to an existing licence holder may also be considered when assessing their suitability to hold a licence. The information recorded will be retained for 25 years and limited to:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • address and contact details
  • National Insurance Number
  • driving licence number
  • decision taken
  • date of decision
  • date decision effective

Other licensing authorities will search the register when they are processing new applications or renewals. Where an authority finds a match for their applicant it will contact the licensing authority that recorded the entry to seek more information, which, if shared, will then be used to help reach a decision on that application/licence. 

What does it mean if my details are on the register?

Any information obtained will be considered on its own merits, and any action, for example revocation or refusal, will not necessarily follow simply because an individual is included on the register.

The purpose of the register is to ensure that authorities have the full information necessary to help them reach a decision on whether an individual is fit and proper. If circumstances have materially changed since the decision that has been recorded, it may be appropriate for another authority to award a licence.

How can I find out if my details are on the register?

We will write and advise any driver who has had their licence refused or revoked by us. This may be limited to those drivers whose records have been retained on our database. 

Outside this, individuals whose details are added to the register will be notified when they are advised of the decision to refuse or revoke a licence.

An individual can make a subject access request (SAR) for any of their personal data held on NR3. The ‘data controller’ in respect of this data is this licensing authority, to whom a SAR should be submitted in the first instance. As the ‘data processor’, that is the organisation storing the data, the National Anti-Fraud Network will fulfil this request. Similarly, the exercise of any other rights provided under data protection legislation should be made to us in the first instance.

How long will details be held on NR3 for?

Data will be retained on the register to help licensing authorities fulfil their statutory duty to be satisfied that a person is a fit and proper person to hold a taxi or PHV licence. These duties are set out and include Sections 51, 59 and 61 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, Sections 9 and 19 of the Plymouth City Council Act 1975 and Section 46 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847. In accordance with this purpose, data will remain on NR3 for 25 years.

How does this affect data protection and my privacy?

All data processing and sharing undertaken by this authority, and with other individual authorities in regard to entries on the register will be undertaken in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The legal basis for processing this information is that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the licensing authority – that is, assessing whether an individual is a fit and proper person to hold a hackney carriage or PHV licence. It is not intended that any NR3 data will be transferred out of the United Kingdom.

We may also use the information provided by applicants to prevent or detect crime, to protect public funds, or in other ways as permitted by law. This can include passing information to certain third parties.

If you wish to raise any issue related to the data protection legislation, including any questions regarding the rights afforded to data subjects under the GDPR, please see the Councils webpages headed Access to Information. You can also contact the Councils Data Protection Officer at Crawley Borough Council.  

Information and advice on how to raise a concern about our handling of data can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.