Disabled parking
Car parks
Blue Badge holders can park free of charge in council operated car parks. If no disabled bays are available, you can park in a regular Pay and Display bay free of charge.
Valid blue badge holders may park in Kingsgate Multi Storey Car Park, Town Hall Multi Storey Car Park and Orchard Street Multi Storey Car Park free of charge but must register with Parking Services in advance for the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). Email parking.services@crawley.gov.uk and request to be registered. We will require a photo of the front and back of the valid blue badge, along with the registration of the vehicle. The subscription entered will be valid until the expiry date of the blue badge provided. It is the blue badge holder’s responsibility to provide the correct details to Parking Services. We will confirm your subscription by email once it has been entered.
Blue Badge holders are not entitled to park in permit bays in off-street car parks such as Crawley Hospital and Crawley Library.
Blue Badge holders must not park on single or double yellow lines, or hatching in a car park.
Road parking
Blue Badge holders may park:
- On yellow lines for up to three hours with a parking clock clearly displaying the time of arrival
- In a limited waiting bay for an unlimited period of time
- In the pay and display bays on streets such as the High Street for an unlimited period of time
- Blue Badge holders may park in marked disabled bays and pay and display bays in the Crawley Hospital Car Park free of charge
Blue Badge holders may not park:
- In a bay reserved for certain classes of vehicles, such as bus stops, taxi ranks, goods vehicle loading bays and motorcycle bays
- In an area restricted by zigzags
- Where a loading restriction or ban is in force which is indicated by kerb markings next to yellow lines or signage
- Within 10 metres of a junction or in a way that causes an obstruction, including on double or single yellow lines
Residents parking zones
Blue Badge holders may not park in a bay marked for Permit Holders Only as outlined in the Blue Badge scheme handbook.
Blue Badge holders may park with no time restriction in Shared Use Bays. These are bays with signs for:
- Pay and Display or Permit Holders
- X hours no return within X hours or Permit Holders
Residents Permits for the first Blue Badge holder of a household are free of charge if you show a valid Blue Badge.