Written statements to inspectors’ matters, stage two

Formal responses to the inspectors’ matters, issues and questions from all parties, including Crawley Borough Council, are provided under each matter heading below for stage two.

The inspectors requested the submission of the written statements to their matters, issues and questions for those topics considered for stage one hearings first. View the written statements to inspectors’ matters, stage one webpage here.

Written responses to the stage two hearings (held in the weeks beginning 8 January and 15 January 2024) were provided later.

Stage two matter statement responses

Matter three: housing needs issue two

Matter five: Gatwick Airport Q.5.11-5.13

Matter six: housing delivery

Matter 7: Crawley town centre

Matter 8 Character, design and heritage

Matter 9: Environment and green infrastructure

Matter 10: Transport and infrastructure

Matter 11: Monitoring and implementation

Supplementary questions responses

Matter 6: Housing delivery issue 3 supplementary questions

Matter 9: Environment supplementary questions

Matter 10: Transport supplementary questions

York Aviation responses