Local Plan 2023 to 2040 examination

The Local Plan 2023 to 2040 was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 31 July 2023. This followed the approval of the draft Local Plan at a full Crawley Borough Council meeting on 22 February 2023 and a six week consultation period.

As the examination process progressed, updates were added to this page.

Examination updates

24 September 2024: In accordance with the timetable in the Local Development Scheme, the Local Plan will be considered at Crawley Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Commission on 30 September 2024 and Cabinet on 2 October 2024. Cabinet will consider the Local Plan and be asked to request its adoption at the next meeting of the Full Council, to be held on 16 October 2024. Read the agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday 2 October at 7pm on the Crawley Borough Council democracy website. The Local Plan is item 7 on the agenda. The emerging Crawley borough Local Plan, along with other key documents, from appendices to the Cabinet report, and the links to these are provided in section 8 (background papers) of the Cabinet report. Read the report to Cabinet and find the links to supporting documents on the Crawley Borough Council democracy website.

10 September 2024: the Planning Inspectorate would like your feedback about the examination. If you were involved in the examination because you made comments in writing or you took part in a hearing session, then we would be very pleased if you could fill in a short survey. Any comments you make will be confidential. You can fill in the Local Plan participant survey on the The Planning Inspectorate's website.

9 September 2024: the council has received the Final Inspectors’ Report into the Examination of the Crawley Borough Local Plan. The Local Plan has been found to be legally compliant and, subject to a number of specified Main Modifications, provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the Borough. The Inspectors' final report, dated 6 September 2024, and accompanying Main Modifications Appendix, can be viewed on the Inspectors' Documents webpage.

The new Local Plan will be progressed towards its adoption at the meeting of the Full Council in October, in accordance with its Local Development Scheme. The following timetable shows the key dates for this.

Overview and Scrutiny Commission
30 September 2024
2 October 2024
Full Council
16 October 2024

28 May 2024: the council has received further correspondence from the Inspectors in relation to the matters raised in the Inspectors' Post Main Modifications letter, dated 7 May 2024, and the council's response, dated 16 May 2024. Please note, this also confirms that the Inspectors will not be issuing their report during the Pre-Election Period for the General Election. The Inspectors' Letter, dated 24 May 2024, can be viewed on the Inspectors' Documents webpage.

28 May 2024: the council has responded to the matters raised in the Inspectors' Post Main Modifications letter, dated 7 May 2024. The council's response, and the two enclosures, can be viewed on the Local Plan Main Modifications consultation 2024 webpage.

9 May 2024: Following the closing of the Main Modifications consultation, the council has now received the inspectors' Main Modifications letter. This letter has been published on the Inspectors' Documents webpage. Visit the Inspector's Documents webpage to read the post Main Modifications letter.

28 March 2024: The Main Modifications Consultation of the Crawley borough Local Plan 2023 to 2040 is now closed. More information, including the consultation documents and the representations received can be found on the Local Plan Main Modifications consultation 2024 webpage. All representations received have been submitted to the Planning Inspectors carrying out the Local Plan Examination.

5 February 2024: Following the closing of the Examination Hearing sessions, the council has now received the inspectors' post Hearings letter. This letter has been published to the Inspector's Documents webpage. Further details regarding the Main Modifications consultation will follow. Visit the Inspector's Documents webpage to read the post hearings letter.

16 January: Part 2 hearing sessions for the Local Plan Examination took place during the week commencing 15 January 2024. The sessions were held virtually via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 16 January 2024. The hearing sessions were recorded and can be viewed on the council's Youtube channel - Local Plan Inspection 2023.

You can watch the sessions on our Youtube channel:

12 January 2024: part 2 Hearing Sessions for the Local Plan Examination took place during the week commencing 8 January 2024. The sessions were held in public at Crawley Town Hall on Tuesday 9, Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 January 2024. The hearing sessions were recorded and can be viewed on the council’s YouTube channel - Local Plan Inspection 2023

Watch the sessions on our Youtube channel:

12 January 2024: The Hearing Sessions for Tuesday 16 January will be held virtually, using Microsoft Teams Live Events. Tuesday 16 January Morning Session starting at 10am: Matter 10 Transport & Infrastructure and Matter 4 – Issue 4: Policy EC5 – Employment and Skills Development. The agenda for Matter 10 and Matter 4, Issue 4 has been published to the Inspectors' Documents webpage. Observe this live meeting on Microsoft Teams. Any participants who are due to take part have been sent a separate invitation.

12 January 2024: Tuesday 16 January afternoon session starting at 2pm: Matter 11: Monitoring & Implementation and Administrative Session with Crawley Borough Council – next steps. The agenda for Matter 11 and next steps has been published to the Inspectors' Documents webpage. Observe this live meeting on Microsoft Teams.

12 January 2024: The Inspectors have published a Virtual Hearings Note and the Planning Inspectorate’s Privacy Statement. Read these on the Local Plan Examination Inspectors' documents webpage.

12 January 2024: Read the council's privacy notice for Forward Planning.

These meetings are being filmed and recorded to be later uploaded to the council's YouTube channel. You should be aware that the council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act. Data collected during a webcast will be retained in accordance with the council’s published policy and these specific meetings will be retained for at least two years.

Any individuals on this recording will be filmed by the recording. Therefore, by entering the meeting room, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and training purposes.

4 January 2024: The council has recently uploaded the following new evidence base documents, which have been accepted by the inspectors to be included in the examination library:

  • PS/EGSM/GA/26: Gatwick Parking Survey Results 2023
  • PS/EGSM/GA/27: Airports Commission Final Report, July 2015

These new documents can be found under Gatwick Airport on the Local Plan Review evidence base: economic growth and social mobility webpage.

3 January 2024: The agendas for Tuesday 9, Wednesday 10, Thursday 11 and Tuesday 16 January 2024 have been published. Visit the Inspectors' Documents webpage to see the agendas. Please note, the agenda for the afternoon session on Thursday 11 January will be published once it has been received.

3 January 2024: The inspectors have published their revised hearing programme for weeks two and three of the examination hearings: draft programme weeks two to three version 3. Read the programme for weeks 2 and 3 on the the Inspectors’ Documents webpage.

3 January 2024: The council has recently uploaded new evidence base documents accepted by the inspectors to be included in the examination library. All of these new documents can be found under the relevant evidence base webpage. Most of the documents are not 'new evidence' but provide helpful context. New documents include:

  • PS/CBC/SoCG/18: Crawley Borough Council and National Highways Statement of Common Ground, December 2023
  • PS/CBC/SoCG/19: Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council Statement of Common Ground, December 2023

Find the updated Local Plan examination library on the Local Plan Review evidence base overview webpage.

20 December 2023: the council has updated the examination library list and the associated Local Plan Review evidence base webpages. Most of the documents are not “new evidence” but provide helpful context. Read the evidence documents on the Local Plan Review evidence base overview webpage. New documents include:

  • CBC/KD/IP/08: Crawley Infrastructure Delivery Schedule, December 2023
  • PS/DS/TP/07b: Topic Paper 7: Development and Noise Technical Appendix
  • PS/EGSM/EG/16: Explanatory Note on Proposed Modifications to Policy EC5: Employment and Skills and Local Plan Planning Obligations Annex, December 2023
  • PS/EGSM/EG/17: Employment Land Trajectory, December 2023
  • PS/EGSM/EG/18: Employment Land Availability Assessment, December 2023
  • PS/EGSM/GA/21: Proposed Modifications for Policies GAT2: Safeguarded Land and DD5: Aerodrome Safeguarding, December 2023
  • PS/H/HD/14: Updated Housing Trajectory, December 2023
  • PS/H/HD/17: Site Allocations and Flood Risk Background Paper, December 2023
  • PS/ES/SDC/20: Policy SDC4 Water Neutrality Further Proposed Modifications, December 2023
  • PS/ES/EP/23: Gatwick Sub-Region Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Update, December 2023
  • PS/EGSM/TC/02: Appendix A: Response to Matters 7.1 and 7.5, Nexus Update, November 2023

Find the updated Local Plan examination library on the Local Plan Review evidence base overview webpage.

20 December 2023: the Written Statements responding to the Inspectors’ Stage 2 Matters, Issues and Questions have been published. Read more about these on the written statements to inspectors’ matters, issues and questions webpage.

20 December 2023: the council has submitted an updated Schedule of Suggested Modifications to the Inspectors for their considerations as part of the Crawley Borough Local Plan Examination. Read the schedule of suggested modifications, version 5, on the Crawley Borough Council examination documents webpage.

5 December 2023: the inspectors have published their updated Hearing programme for Stage 2 of the Local Plan Examination Hearings. The Hearing sessions for the week beginning 8 January 2024 are to be held in person at Crawley Town Hall. The hearing sessions for the week beginning 15 January 2024 are to be held online. Read the updated Hearing programme for the January 2024 Examination Hearing sessions on the inspector’s documents webpage.

28 November 2023: following discussion at the Local Plan Examination Hearings, the council has published correspondence between the council and Gatwick Airport Limited. Read the correspondence on the Crawley Borough Council Local Plan evidence base: economic growth and social mobility webpage. The draft statement of common ground can be read on the Duty to cooperate: Statements of common ground webpage.

27 November 2023: Part 1 Hearing Sessions for the Local Plan Examination took place during the week commencing 20 November 2023. The sessions were held in public at Crawley Town Hall on Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 November. The hearing sessions were recorded and can be viewed on the council’s YouTube channel - Local Plan Examination 2023.

21 November 2023: The Inspectors have published a note which responds to a letter from Gatwick Airport Limited in relation to the York Aviation document (post-submission document reference: PS/EGSM/GA/18). Read the Inspectors' note and the Gatwick Airport Limited letter on the Inspector's documents webpage. The York Aviation document can be read as Appendix A in the council’s written statement in response to the Inspectors’ matter 5 and on Local Plan Review evidence base: economic growth and social mobility.

20 November 2023: The Inspectors have published a revised programme for the Examination hearing sessions. Read the updated programme version 6 on the Inspector's documents webpage.

20 November 2023: the council has submitted an updated schedule of suggested modifications to the inspectors for their considerations as part of the Crawley Borough Local Plan Examination. Read the Schedule of Suggested Modifications, Version 4, on the Local Plan Main Modifications consultation 2024 page webpage.

20 November 2023: The Inspectors have published a revised programme for the Examination hearing sessions. Read the updated programme version 5 on the Inspector's documents webpage.

17 November 2023: The Inspectors have published a revised programme for the Examination hearing sessions. Read the updated programme version 4 on the Inspector's documents webpage.

17 November 2023: The Inspectors have published the agenda for Thursday 23 November afternoon hearing session regarding Matter 8, Issue 2. Read the agenda for Thursday 23 November afternoon on the Inspector's documents webpage.

17 November 2023: The Inspectors have published some supplementary questions on the additional evidence submitted by the council. These should be read alongside the Inspectors’ original October Matters, Issues and Questions. The Inspectors have set the same deadline, as the responses to the Stage 2 Matters, Issues and Questions, of 12 noon on 15 December for any statements or responses on the additional evidence. Read the supplementary questions on the Inspector's documents webpage.

17 November 2023: The Inspectors have published a revised programme for the Examination hearing sessions. Please note the changes regarding Week 2 and Week 3. In particular, please note the changes relating to Matter 10: Transport and Infrastructure and Matter 10: Crawley Western Multi-Modal Transport Link which will now be discussed on Thursday 11 January 2024, and Matter 8: Character, Design and Heritage and Matter 9: Environment and Green Infrastructure which will be discussed on Wednesday 10 January 2024. Read the updated programme on the Inspector's documents webpage.

17 November 2023: The Inspectors have published the agenda for Thursday 23 November morning hearing session regarding Matter 4, Issue 3. Read the agenda for Thursday 23 November morning on the Inspector's documents webpage.

15 November 2023: Crawley Borough Council has signed a Statement of Common Ground with Gatwick Green Limited. Read the new Statement of Common Ground on the Local Plan Review evidence base: development strategy webpage.

14 November 2023: The Inspectors have published the programme and agenda for Tuesday 21 November and Wednesday 22 November hearing sessions. Read the programme and agenda for Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 November on the Inspector's documents webpage.

14 November 2023: Crawley Borough Council document CBC/MIQ/001 Written Statement Matter 1 Legal Compliance and Plan Making has been revised and version 2 has been reissued to correct a typo error in paragraph 1.11.5. This previously referred to the public consultations for both the Horsham District Local Plan Review and the Mid Sussex District Plan Review as being Regulation 19 consultations. This was not the case for either, and the paragraph has now been corrected to confirm these consultations were under Regulation 18. Read the updated Crawley Borough Council written statement to matter 1 legal compliance and plan making.

10 November 2023: Further factual amendments are suggested to the Crawley Borough Submission Local Plan, to take account of the recent updated evidence documents. Read the proposed amendments in the Schedule of Suggested Modifications on the Crawley Borough Council examination documents webpage.

10 November 2023: the council has published a final Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Needs Assessment. Read the Crawley Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Needs Assessment on the Local Plan Review evidence base: housing webpage.

10 November 2023: the council has published an updated Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. Read the updated Strategic Flood Risk Assessment on the Local Plan Review evidence base: environmental sustainability webpage.

9 November 2023: The written statements responding to the inspectors’ stage 1 matters, issues and questions have been published. Read more about these on the written statements to inspectors’ matters, issues and questions webpage.

3 November 2023: the council has updated the examination library list and the associated Local Plan Review evidence base webpages. Most of the documents are not “new evidence” but provide helpful context. New documents include:

  • Water neutrality project update, October 2023, Joint Sussex North Local Authorities (PS/DS/TP/00c)
  • Crawley Local Plan market signals assessment for industrial and warehousing needs, November 2023, Lichfields (PS/EGSM/EG/12)
  • Appendix A York Aviation paper safeguarded land for car parking, November 2023, York Aviation (PS/EGSM/GA/18)

Find the updated Local Plan examination library on the Local Plan Review evidence base overview webpage.

3 November 2023: the council has submitted an updated schedule of suggested modifications to the inspectors for their considerations as part of the Crawley Borough Local Plan Examination. Read the schedule of suggested modifications, version 2, on the Crawley Borough Council examination documents webpage.

3 November 2023: the inspectors have published their hearing programme for stages 1 and 2 of the examination hearings. The hearing sessions for the week beginning 8 January 2024 are to be held in person at Crawley Town Hall. The hearing sessions for the week beginning 15 January 2024 are likely to be held online.  Read the hearing programme for the November 2023 and January 2024 hearings on the Inspector’s documents webpage.

31 October 2023: the council has published an infrastructure delivery schedule. Read the Crawley infrastructure delivery schedule on the Crawley Borough Council examination documents webpage.

30 October 2023: the inspectors have issued an examination note on the April 2020 planning inspectorate advisory meeting note. Read the inspectors' note and find the notes from the April 2020 advisory visit on the Inspector’s documents webpage.

24 October 2023: the council has published a checklist considering the Local Plan against the Department for Transport’s Circular 1-2022. Read the DfT Circular 1-2022 consistency checklist on the Crawley Borough Council examination documents webpage.

19 October 2023: the inspectors have reissued their matters, issues and questions for clarity. Read the updated matters, issues and questions on the Inspectors' documents webpage

9 October 2023: the inspectors have published their examination guidance note, hearing programme and matters, issues and questions. Read more about these examination documents on the Inspectors' documents webpage. The examination guidance note provides further information on the procedural and administrative arrangements for participants in the examination, including relevant deadlines and how to contact the Programme Officer.

6 October 2023: we have published a  public notice setting out the dates, times and location of the stage 2 examination hearing sessions. Read the examination of Crawley Borough Council’s Local Plan - notice of independent examination hearing.

5 October: we have prepared an updated Appendix K to the Duty to Cooperate Statement. This replaces the version in the July 2023 Duty to Cooperate Statement. Read more about the Duty to Cooperate Statement Appendix K on our examination documents webpage.

3 October 2023: we have prepared officer responses to the formal public consultations summaries of representations. Read our responses to the formal public consultations summaries of representations on our examination documents webpage.

3 October 2023: the Crawley consultation statement main report has been updated. Read more about the Crawley consultation statement main report on our examination documents webpage.

3 October 2023: we have responded to the inspectors’ initial note. Read our response to the inspectors’ initial note on our examination documents webpage.

20 September 2023: we received the inspectors’ initial note. Read the inspectors’ initial note on the Inspectors' documents webpage.

9 August 2023 update: following the submission of the Crawley borough Local Plan to the Secretary of State on 31 July 2023, David Spencer BA(Hons) DipTP MRTPI and Glen Rollings BA (Hons) MAUD MRTPI have been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Crawley Local Plan Review.