Local Plan evidence base: environmental sustainability
In order to meet the requirements set out in national guidance, the Local Plan is informed by detailed technical studies. These make up the Local Plan evidence base.
The studies that have been carried out for the Local Plan reflect Crawley’s locally distinctive issues, challenges and opportunities, unique to the town.
Environmental sustainability evidence supports the following Local Plan chapters:
- green infrastructure and biodiversity
- sustainable design and construction
- environmental protection
- sustainable transport
Additional evidence will be gathered and published as required.
Green infrastructure
Sustainable design and construction
Policy SDC4 Water Neutrality Further Proposed Modifications
Natural England’s Addendum to Position Statement, November 2022
Code for sustainable homes: technical guidance – November 2010
Environmental protection
Manston aerodrome decision (2022)
Smith et al (2019) Environmental Noise and Effects on Sleep: An Update to the WHO Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Jacobs 2040 Wide Spaced Summer Night Contours
Building Regulations Approved Document (2010)
Planning Noise Advisory Document for Sussex (2023)
Gatwick Sub-Region Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Update December 2023
The Environmental Noise Directive
Noise policy statement for England 2010
DEFRA noise action plan agglomerations (urban areas) 2019
Discussion paper 05: aviation noise 2013
Sustainable transport
PS/ES/ST/06: Sustainable Travel Towns Evaluation Summary Report
PS/ES/ST/05: Building Regulations Approved Document S
PS/ES/ST/04: West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036
Crawley local cycling and walking infrastructure plan (LCWIP), March 2021 (amended July 2023)