Local Plan evidence base: economic growth and social mobility
In order to meet the requirements set out in national guidance, the Local Plan is informed by detailed technical studies. These make up the Local Plan evidence base.
The studies that have been carried out for the Local Plan reflect Crawley’s locally distinctive issues, challenges and opportunities, unique to the town.
Economic growth and social mobility evidence supports the following Local Plan chapters:
- economic growth
- Gatwick Airport
- Crawley town centre
Additional evidence will be gathered and published as required.
Economic growth
Explanatory Note on Proposed Modifications to Policy EC5: Employment and Skills and Local Plan Planning Obligations Annex
Employment Land Trajectory
Employment Land Availability Assessment
Crawley ‘One Town’ economic recovery plan, 2022
Gatwick Airport
Proposed Modifications for Policies GAT2: Safeguarded Land and DD5: Aerodrome Safeguarding
Holidays Extras versus Crawley Borough Council (High Court Decision 30 November 2016)
Southways Business Park, Crawley Appeal Decisions (9 January 2019)
Lowfield Heath, Crawley (Holiday Extras) Appeal Decision (31 January 2019)
Land adjacent to Heathfield Park, Bristol Appeal Decision (6 March 2023)
Airports national policy statement, 2018, Department for Transport
Supreme Court Decision 16 December 2020
Development at Gatwick Airport supplementary planning document, 2008, Crawley Borough Council
Gatwick DCO population and housing report, 2023, GAL
Jet Zero, 2022, Department for Transport
Appendix A5 of Gatwick Airport’s submission to the Airports Commission 2014, The Operational Efficiency Master Plan - coming soon
Aviation White Paper: The future of air transport 2003
Aviation policy framework 2013
Gatwick Airport Master Plan 2019
Gatwick Airport Interim Parking Strategy 2017
Gatwick Airport Surface Access Strategy 2022
Aviation 2050 – the Future of UK Aviation
Beyond the Horizon: The Future of UK Aviation – making best use of existing runways