Local Plan publication further consultation 2023
Consultation on the draft Submission Local Plan was open from Tuesday 9 May to Tuesday 20 June 2023.
The documents made available during this consultation form the submission documents. Access the submission documents on our Local Plan Review webpage.
Some documents were updated following the close of the Publication Consultation for the Local Plan’s submission. The versions available for the Publication Consultation are below.
In total, 67 individuals, business and organisations submitted formal representations to the Local Plan consultation.
Key documents
- REP 005 (2023) Thames Water Policy IN1 IN2 EP1 5.37 5.44 H2 GAT1.pdf
- REP 011 (2023) National Highways Policy DtC SD1 SD2 IN2 EC4 GAT1 GAT3 H2 EP4 EP6 ST1 ST4.pdf
- REP 013 (2023) The Ifield Society Policy CL8 HA2 GI1 GI2 GI3 GI4.pdf
- REP 021 (2023) Gladman Developments Policy DtC H1 SDC4 Viability.pdf
- REP 022 (2023) Sussex Ornithological Society Policy CL8 CL9.pdf
- REP 024 (2023) Tony Fullwood Associates Policy H2 Street Hill.Balcombe Road Worth.pdf
- REP 027 (2023) WT Lamb Properties Dye Family Elliot Metals LRM Planning Ltd Policy EC1.pdf
- REP 027 (2023) WT Lamb Properties Dye Family Elliot Metals LRM Planning Ltd Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 027 (2023) WT Lamb Properties Dye Family Elliot Metals LRM Planning Ltd Policy GAT2.pdf
- REP 027 (2023) WT Lamb Properties Dye Family Elliot Metals LRM Planning Ltd Vision.pdf
- REP 029 (2023) Sport England Policy SD2.pdf
- REP 032 (2023) West Sussex County Council Policy IN2 Infrastructure Plan GAT2 ST4 OS3 Viability Transport Modelling ST2.pdf
- REP 033 (2023) Horsham District Council Policy CL4 DD1 EC1 GAT1 GAT2 GAT3 TC3 H1 H2 H3a,b,c,d,f H8 SDC4 ST4.pdf
- REP 035 (2023) Ardmore Developments Vail Williams Jersey Farm Transport.pdf
- REP 035 (2023) Ardmore Developments Vail Williams Policy EC1, 2, 3, 4, 5 GAT2, 3 ST4, 1, 2 SD1 SDC4 CL3, 8.pdf
- REP 044 (2023) HX Properties Tim North Associates Policy EC7.pdf
- REP 044 (2023) HX Properties Tim North Associates Policy GAT3.pdf
- REP 044 (2023) HX Properties Tim North Associates SA.pdf
- REP 044 (2023) HX Properties Tim North Associates.pdf
- REP 050 (2023) Homes England Policy CL8 EC3 GAT2 - Rowley Farm.pdf
- REP 050 (2023) Homes England Policy DtC 12.23 CL8 IN2 GAT2 ST4 GI3 GI4 EP4 H8 - West of Ifield.pdf
- REP 050 (2023) Homes England Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 053 (2023) abrdn Barker Trust Quod Policy Vision EC1 EC4 GAT2 ST4.pdf
- REP 055 (2023) Gatwick Green Ltd Policy EC1 EC4 EC5.pdf
- REP 055 (2023) Gatwick Green Ltd Policy GAT2, Employment Land Trajectory, Appendix 3 Development Management Provisions EC4.pdf
- REP 055 (2023) Gatwick Green Ltd Policy Vision CL7 HA1 HA4 HA5 IN1 GI1 GI2 GI3 ST1 Planning Obligations SA.SEA.pdf
- REP 056 (2023) Gatwick Airport Limited Policy EC1 EC4 GAT1 GAT2 GAT3 GAT4 EC2 EC7 DD5 IN1,2 EP4 H3d H8 ST1,3,4.pdf
- REP 057 (2023) Universities Superannuation Scheme Deloitte Policy EC2 H1 CL7.pdf
- REP 058 (2023) Reigate & Banstead Borough Council Policy H1 EC4 SA HRA.pdf
- REP 060 (2023) Bellway Homes Savills Policy H2 Steers Lane EP4.pdf
- REP 061 (2023) Historic England Heritage SA.pdf
- REP 062 (2023) Environment Agency Policy 1.31 8.11 15.34 EP1 EP2 H2 SA Infrastructure Plan.pdf
- REP 063 (2023) Persimmon Homes Policy H1 H2 SDC4 EP4.pdf
- REP 066 (2023) Mid Sussex District Council Policy SD3 EC4 CL3 CL4 CL8 H3d HRA H1.pdf
- REP 068 (2023) Sussex Wildlife Trust Policy GAT2 H2 GI2 GI3 GI4 SDC4 ST4.pdf
- REP 087 (2023) Woodland Trust Policy SD1 DD1 DD4 GI1 GI2 GI3 OS2 GAT2 GAT3 H2 ST4.pdf
- REP 101 (2023) Horley Town Council Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 102 (2023) Resident 37 Policy EC4.pdf
- REP 113 (2023) Natural England Policy SA HRA Vision CL9 DD1 DD4 OS2 EC4 GAT1 H2 H3f H8 GI1, 2, 3, 4 SDC1, 2, 3, 4 EP5.pdf
- REP 119 (2023) A2 Dominion Policy 2.26 2.29 H1 DtC 12.18 12.23.pdf
- REP 127 (2023) Arora Management Services Limited Policy GAT2.pdf
- REP 130 (2023) Home Builders Federation Policy SDC4 H1.pdf
- REP 131 (2023) Oxford Match SMB Town Planning Policy EC1 EC2 TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5 H2 H3c.pdf
- REP 133 (2023) The Planning Bureau Policy H5 Viability DD3 DD4 GI3 SDC1.pdf
- REP 136 (2023) Resident 52 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 137 (2023) Resident 53 Policy CL4.pdf
- REP 138 (2023) Heine Planning Consultancy Policy H8.pdf
- REP 139 (2023) Resident 54 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 140 (2023) Tinsley Lane Residents Association Resident 55 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 141 (2023) Resident 56 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 142 (2023) Resident 57 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 143 (2023) CPRE Sussex Policy H1.pdf
- REP 143 (2023) CPRE Sussex Policy SDC3.pdf
- REP 143 (2023) CPRE Sussex Policy SDC4.pdf
- REP 144 (2023) BYM Capital Policy EC1 EC2 EC3 GAT2 ST4.pdf
- REP 145 (2023) Resident 58 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 146 (2023) Resident 59 Policy HA2.pdf
- REP 147 (2023) Resident 60 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 148 (2023) NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board Policy IN1.pdf
- REP 149 (2023) Panattoni UK Developments Ltd Turley Policy GAT2.pdf
- REP 150 (2023) 90 North Group Policy IN1.pdf
- REP 151 (2023) Manor Royal BID Policy EC1,2,3,4,9,11 GAT1,2 SDC1,4 ST1,4 CL8, IN3.pdf
- REP 152 (2023) Save West of Ifield Policy Vision Heritage Open Space IN1 H1 Gatwick ST1.pdf
- REP 153 (2023) Resident 61 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane SHLAA.pdf
- REP 154 (2023) Aiput DWD Policy GAT2 GAT3 GAT4 GI3 SDC4 ST4.pdf
- REP 155 (2023) Resident 62 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 156 (2023) Resident 63 Policy H2 Broad Location London Road.pdf
- REP 157 (2023) Resident 64 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 158 (2023) Resident 65 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane SHLAA.pdf
- REP 159 (2023) Wealden District Council Policy H1 EC1.pdf
- REP 160 (2023) Chichester District Council Policy H1 DtC H5 SDC4.pdf
- REP 161 (2023) Resident 66 Policy SDC1.pdf
- REP 162 (2023) Wates Developments Ltd Judith Ashton Associates Policy H1.pdf
- REP 163 (2023) Chichester College Group Vail Williams Policy TC3 H2 HA5.pdf
- REP 164 (2023) Invia Group Montagu Evans LLP Policy H2 Sutherland House.pdf
- REP 165 (2023) DT Last Mile Retail Unit Trust Quod Policy TC5.pdf
- REP 166 (2023) Surrey County Council Policy IN1 ST1.pdf
- REP 167 (2023) Muller Property Group Walsingham Planning Policy CL6 HA5 H5.pdf
- REP 168 (2023) Network Rail Policy IN1 H1 TC3.H2 Crawley Station Planning Obligations.pdf
- REP 169 (2023) Resident 67 Policy H2 Tinsley Lane.pdf
- REP 170 (2023) Slaugham Parish Council Policy H1.pdf