Brownfield land register
The brownfield land register is a list of previously developed sites within the borough which are capable of being redeveloped or converted to provide housing-led development.
All sites must meet the definition of ‘previously developed land’ contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Sites must also be:
- suitable: the land has planning permission for housing or housing-led development; or has been allocated for such development in a Local Plan; or is considered appropriate for such development by the council
- available: there is no barrier to development in terms of either ownership issues or legal constraints on the land
- achievable: the land is likely to be developed within 15 years of being entered on the register
The brownfield land register must include all sites meeting these criteria which are at least 0.25 hectares in area, or are capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings.
Our brownfield land register is provided in CSV and Microsoft Excel formats which include links to site plans. We have also produced a Summary document, which presents information in a more accessible format.
Permission in Principle
Brownfield land registers consist of a Part 1 and a Part 2. Councils have the power to grant brownfield sites Permission in Principle, a new stepping stone towards planning permission, by including them in Part 2 of the Register. However, we have no plans to grant Permission in Principle at this stage, so all sites are in Part 1 only.
Call for sites
The brownfield land register will be reviewed at least annually. New sites can be submitted using the call for sites response form. Submissions do not automatically trigger a review of the brownfield land register.