Lifeline emergency alarm service

A Lifeline is a personal alarm system that provides a link between you and the people you can rely on, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The system connects through your phone and is made up of a base unit and pendant. Lifeline is available for everyone including elderly and vulnerable people. 

Benefits of Lifeline

If you did have an accident in your own home would you be able to get to your own phone? If yes, would the people you are ringing be home? Having a Lifeline installed would mean you can call our operators at the touch of a button and get the appropriate help anytime of the day.

We recommend you test your pendant at least once a month. Test it by pressing the button on the pendant.

How much it costs

The weekly charge for a Lifeline is £4.70 (plus VAT if applicable) per week. There is no installation fee.

If the customer is registered disabled or is chronically sick it may be possible that they can claim VAT exemption on the Lifeline service.

Full price
Reduced price
Lifeline unit (plus VAT if applicable)
Per week
Full price:
Fall detector (plus VAT if applicable)
Per week
Full price:
Heat detector (plus VAT if applicable)
Per week
Full price:
Carbon monoxide detector (plus VAT if applicable)
Per week
Full price:
GPS tracker (plus VAT if applicable)
Per week
Full price:
Additional pendant (each)
Per week
Full price:
Linked Smoke Detector (plus VAT if applicable)
Per week
Full price:
Keyguard (plus VAT if applicable)
One off purchase with 1 year warranty
Full price:
Supra C500 (plus VAT if applicable)
One off purchase with 1 year warranty
Full price:

Apply for Lifeline

With our Lifeline form, you can:

  • Request more information about Lifeline
  • Apply for or cancel Lifeline
  • Tell us about a change of circumstance
Request a Lifeline service

Cancelling your Lifeline

If you no longer need the Lifeline unit, or Telecare equipment you can bring the whole unit in a bag to the Town Hall where you will get a receipt for it.

You will need to return the following:

  • Lifeline Unit 
  • Pendant 
  • Power cables
  • Linked smoke detectors (if applicable)

If you are unsure about what equipment needs to be returned please email

If you are unable to bring the unit back to us, we may be able to collect it for a charge. Once we have received the unit any charges for it will stop.

Key safes

Lifeline are now able to offer key safes as part of a Lifeline package.

Linked smoke detector £0.88 (plus VAT if applicable) per week

The linked smoke detector is easily installed onto the ceiling of your home. On detecting smoke, two alarms are activated. An audible alarm sounds within the property and a second alarm signal is automatically sent to the Lifeline unit. This immediately raises a call to the 24-hour monitoring centre where an experienced operator will, if required, alert the emergency services. These smoke detectors help to reduce the risk to life and property.

Lifeline Plus (telecare)

Lifeline Plus offers a range of Telecare products that work in addition to a Lifeline unit. These are designed to help vulnerable customers continue to live independently. 

We can also supply additional Telecare sensors and detectors which are not listed.

The Lifeline Manager was very polite, friendly and patient. They explained everything I needed to know about Lifeline – no need for improvement, excellent service.

Customer testimony


You can contact Lifeline by calling them on 01293 438468 or email