Crawley Homes contractor code of conduct

We require all our contractors and operatives to ensure any work is carried out with the minimum of disruption. Our customers, and the public are entitled to expect the highest standards of conduct from all our employees and subcontractors.

The aim of this code is to provide guidelines which:

  • enable employees to promote the values and behaviours of Crawley Borough Council and our contractors
  • protect them from any misunderstanding or criticism
  • make sure that positive professional behaviour is always maintained and that the boundaries of our relationships are clear

Please note we never cold call. Even if it’s an emergency we will have notified you in advance of our attendance

What our contractors and operatives should do

  • introduce themselves, tell you what they have come to repair and show you proof of identity. If they don’t do this, please don’t let them in and call 01293 438111.This also applies to any subcontractor working on our behalf
  • explain the extent of any disruption that may take place while the work is being carried out and how long it will take to complete before you allow the work to start
  • if for any reason our operative or contractor requires additional information, we will use our own method of communication from outside of your home
  • reconnect and test mains services (gas, water, and electricity), ensuring they are left safe and where possible, that you have a form of heating and hot water at the end of each working day
  • make good any areas affected by repairs to your home
  • remove all rubbish causing an obstruction at the end of each working day
  • comply with all current Health, Safety and Welfare legislation and any relevant Codes of Practice
  • treat your home with courtesy and respect
  • ensure that there are no minors under the age of 18 on their own while the work is being completed
  • where battery pack tools are required, we will endure that these are fully charged before and during the works
  • if for any reason we need to use your electricity supply we will discuss this with you and where this is required for long periods of time, we will agree to reimburse you for the cost of electricity
  • refrain from using bad language in or near your home
  • refrain from smoking, playing music from any means such as mobile telephones or radios
  • not behave or speak in a racist, sexist, or other unpleasant/aggressive manner towards you or your family or any visitors
  • not provide any opinions or suggestions outside of the planned work
  • be suitably dressed in respectable clean clothing and not to work bare chested. Shorts are not permitted to be worn
  • protect your home and contents from damage, dust, paint etc always. This may mean laying and using self-adhesive dust sheets
  • offer to wear overshoes when inside your home
  • always keep your home secure
  • take any breaks outside of the work area and not expect any tea or coffee to be provided by the customer
  • ensure the safety of you, your home, your visitors, and the work person
  • store equipment and materials safely during and outside working hours
  • not contravene any laws or relevant regulations in the conduct of their duties
  • manage any company or privately owned vehicles ensuring they as parked legally and not causing any obstruction regarding and not parked on any grassed verges
  • not enter any activity that may result in a conflict of interest with the company
  • not enter any agreement to work privately in Crawley Borough Council owned or tenanted properties
  • not use the company’s confidential information or anything related directly to the tenant or works regarding social media
  • ensure that any relationships formed at work do not have an unfairly favourable or unfavourable impact on those in the relationship, or on colleagues of those in the relationship
  • not engage in any social media which may involve the work carried out or any information regarding the contractor or Crawley Borough Council
  • be loyal in all matters affecting the company, including matters relating to customers and others with whom the company has a commercial relationship
  • pets will not be brought on site by employees. Any pets in the property are the responsibility of the tenant. You will be informed of the need to gain access, so pets need to be managed by keeping them in another safe part of the property