Appealing against a benefit decision
If you want to know more about a decision we have made about your benefit claim, or if you disagree with a decision, you can challenge it.
You can appeal if you are:
- the claimant
- someone who the claimant has chosen to act for them
- someone who is being held responsible for paying back an overpayment of benefits
- a landlord, if the decision is that we cannot pay the tenant’s benefit to you
If you are acting on someone’s behalf, you must provide signed authority for you to do so.
How to make a benefits appeal
If you would like to appeal, email us at giving your reasons for appealing in full. For housing benefit decisions this should be done within one month of the decision date. For Council Tax reduction decisions, this should be done within two months of the decision date. You can find this date on the letter sent to you. You can also write to us at:
Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
Corporate Finance
Crawley Borough Council
Town Hall, The Boulevard,
Crawley, RH10 1UZ
You can ask for a full explanation of the decision, or you can ask us to reconsider the decision.
Include evidence to support your appeal. For example, if you think we've worked out your earnings incorrectly, include proof of your correct earnings. We'll review your appeal and write back to you to explain what we've decided and what you can do next.
If we do not change the decision, you will have the opportunity to appeal against the decision, where an independent tribunal will hear you appeal. More information on appealing to tribunal is available on the Valuation Tribunal Service website or you can email the SSCS Benefit Appeals Service Centre on
If you would like to get independent advice about your claim, contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau. If they cannot help you, they should be able to advise you of other sources of help.