Overdue Council Tax

If your Council Tax is overdue, arrange to make this payment as soon as possible.

Find out how you can pay in the making payments section.

If you want to pay by BACS, our bank details are:

Sort Code: 30-80-12
Account Number: 10625660
Account Name: CBC No.2

Remember to quote your Council Tax account number.


If you are having difficulty making your payments due to coronavirus, email Taxation or call 01293 438616 and provide information on your circumstance.

We may be able to recalculate your instalments to spread your missed payments over the remaining months of the financial year.

Make a claim if:

  • Your income is low
  • Your last demand notice did not already have Council Tax Reduction on it
  • You have not yet applied for any Council Tax Reduction to reflect your circumstance

Complete the Council Tax support form and email it to the Benefits team.

Include scans or photos of the documents requested with your completed form.

If you are entitled to any help, you will be sent a revised demand notice.

In the meantime, you should make whatever payments you can to reduce your balance.

Get help and advice

If you are worried about debts or have missed payments, the government's MoneyHelper website offers free independent advice.