Published: 23 August 2024

From: Environment

People who live and work in Crawley are invited to have their say on Crawley Borough Council’s draft Air Quality Action Plan 2024 to 2029.

The plan aims to improve air quality and reduce residents’ exposure to air pollution. It outlines the measures the council is currently taking and proposes new interventions to help reduce concentrations of air pollutants and people’s exposure to air pollution.

The plan recognises that, as a borough council, we cannot achieve this alone and will rely on key stakeholders such as West Sussex County Council.

Some of the measures in the Air Quality Action Plan include:

  • infrastructure upgrades to improve sustainable transport, including provision of more walking and cycling routes
  • installation of more electric vehicle charging points
  • a schools project to raise awareness of air pollution and how to make changes which reduce pollution
  • an energy efficiency programme in council-owned homes and property
  • work with West Sussex County Council to manage traffic and reduce vehicle pollution
  • a Clean Air Charter for Crawley

Residents’ health is of the utmost importance. While air quality in Crawley is mainly good and no air quality standards are being breached, there’s still work to be done and the action plan sets out how we will do this. Given the scale of development coming forward over the next 10-15 years, the need for targeted local air quality action continues. Please give us your views in this survey.

Councillor Bob Noyce

Cabinet member for Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change,

Crawley Borough Council
