Published: 26 November 2024
From: Community
Yesterday, Crawley Borough Council marked White Ribbon Day by encouraging all of its male councillors and officers to sign a pledge to help end violence against women and girls.
White Ribbon UK is the leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and men. This year, the campaign “It starts with Me(n)” asks that men hold themselves accountable to women and each other to help transform harmful cultures.
The signing of the pledge demonstrates our commitment to prevent harassment, abuse and violence against women and girls through promoting gender equality and raising awareness. We will not tolerate attitude and behaviours that raise fear in women in their day-to-day lives and we work in partnership with Sussex Police to carry out dedicated patrols to help protect women and girls. I would like to thank everyone who signs the pledge, which demonstrates the strength of unity that we have.
Councillor Yasmin Khan
Cabinet member for Public Protection
Crawley Borough Council
To support White Ribbon Day, you can:
- wear the White Ribbon
- raise awareness with your colleagues, friends, young people and family
- make a donation
