Small Grants
This new funding scheme for grants up to £2,500 is for local community groups and voluntary organisations supporting Crawley residents and groups in need.
The aim of this scheme is to support a range of activities that foster greater levels of community connectivity and cohesion. This may include, for example, helping to promote and develop a strong civic community and pride of place as well as creative and proactive work to bring people together.
Applications can be for funding to support a specific project related activity, an event, or items of equipment needed for a project. Start-up grants are also available as community development support.
Your project proposal should ideally have local support such as volunteer involvement, individual or company giving (including gifts in kind) and be supported by a Crawley Borough Councillor.
How to apply
Our funding policy and criteria below sets out the requirements including the eligibility criteria for our grants. Please read our Community Grants funding policy document before you apply.
Contact us on 01293 438763 or email to discuss your project idea. Applications may be submitted online at any time (subject to funding available).