Temporary Event Notice

You’ll need to apply for a permitted Temporary Event Notice (TEN) if:

  • you wish to lawfully carry out licensable activities at premises which do not have a premises licence or club premises certificate


  • the activity or the times at which it is to be carried out are not specified on an existing premises licence or club premises certificate

Dates for Temporary Event Notices will change over the Christmas and New year period. 

Licensable activities

These activities are subject to certain exceptions:

  • the sale and supply of alcohol
  • regulated entertainment (such as music, singing or dancing)
  • provision of late night refreshments

Outdoor events

A TEN can be granted for both indoor and outdoor events. A capacity limit of 499 applies at any one time; this is inclusive of organisers, staff and attendees.  

Advance notice should be given when submitting notice of outdoor events. Such notices need the following submissions to be made:

  • clear legible premises plans detailing full layout
  • risk assessments and event management plans

Where an event is held in an area such as a park, garden or within a part of a premises, you will need to provide a plan showing the proposed location and dimensions to denote where and over what area the TEN will apply. Please outline this area in red to denote where activity is taking place and mark where any bars are and include it as part of your application, and provide any relevant event management information.

A temporary event notice does not give you permission to use the land or premises on which the event is to take place. This must be obtained separately from the landlord. If you wish to hold an event in a council-managed park or open space, you should first obtain permission from events@crawley.gov.uk.

Complete the Temporary Event Notice (TEN) application form

Tacit consent

If you have not heard from us after 10 working days, you’ll be able to act as though your application has been granted. This is known as Tacit consent.

For further advice and guidance see the related documents section, for information about licensable activities, application processes, FAQ's, fees, limitations of use and who can make an objection.